Brand mascot
Mascot naming
We refer to her as “ilma” because her name means "resolute protector" in some Germanic languages, and giving our mascot a name adds warmth and character to our brand. Phonetically, the name also shares a similar construct to the word "llama."

Mascot profile
ilma comes in many different profiles, giving us lots of flexibility in use. Choose the profile that best complements the layout and composition of your design.

ilma also has a wide range of facial expressions to choose from, which can be a great way to enhance our message and add further character and personality to an asset.

"ilma-in-action" variations are also available for even more dynamic expression.

Rules to follow
Here are some things to keep in mind when working with ilma:

Overlaps with fur crop can be used only when paired with lighter-colored graphic textures.

Custom ilma designs (like ilma as a wizard) are reserved for special events only and must only be created by the Brand Design team.

We don't place ilma on creative assets when using the logo lockup with her in it—in that case, we use the Vanta wordmark instead.

Use ilma sparingly. As a rule, she should only appear once per creative execution.

Background colors should never show through ilma’s transparent fur.

Avoid recoloring as it can dramatically compromise the legibility and graphic integrity of our brand mascot.